Samanda Gallee
1966: born in Hallein, Austria
1984-1986: Teachers Training in Salzburg
1993-1994: Communication therapy
1994-1997: biodynamic Therapy with Andrea Schmalzl
1995: Excursion on a 14days meditationskarawan in the Sahara, Tunesien
1995-1997: Feng-Shui Training
1996: Training at „Vision der Freude“
1996: Retreat with Michael Roads
2001: Birth of my first son
2003-2004: Training of Nonviolent Communication according to Thomas Gordon
2004: Birth of my second son
2005: Training Emmi Pikler with Christine Rainer
2007: Original play: Several Workshops with Fred Donaldson
2009: my appartment got harmonized with (=protection of different rays, including mobile, PC, wlan etc.)
2009: My gift starts to show itself: being able to see into the body
2012: Workshop „Noreia-Essences“ with Erika Pichler
2012-2013: several Trainings „Nonviolent communication- Marshall Rosenberg“
2015-2016: Training „Integrative Bodywork“
Juli 2016: Forging my own singingbowl made of bronze
2016: several workshops and seminars in Sensomotoric Integration und Moto-pedagogy
Jän. 2017: Starting my business

2017: Workshop: Somatic Intelligence by Thomas Frankenbach
2017: Seminar in Rota-Therapy
2017: forging my own singingbowl made of brass on the Isle of Mull
2017: forging my own singingbowl made of silver on the Isle of Iona
2018: Using the essential oils of doTERRA
2018: Training of AromaTouch
2018: Developing SilverTouch
2018: Forging a pendulum out of a golden nugget from the Yukon on Orkney, Scottland
2018: Developing GoldenTouch
2019: Training in Body- and Traumawork
2019/20: 6 months stay in New Zealand; giving Online-Bodysessions
2020: developing the BlueTouch with the Silver- and Goldspray of Lavylight
2020: developing the space of “In the Eye of the hurricane”